
Blog Traffic - How I Increased My Traffic by 10x

How to drive stronger blog traffic to your site daily blog traffic
It has been a full year since I launched as my Blogger help site after my initial strategy in January 2012 was first developed. I've been using Blogger since 2005 and have come to really enjoy the flexibility of the platform for various types of blogs.

I know that many prefer Wordpress over Blogger but I still think having Google host my platform with more open customization vs. using custom hosting is an easier option.

That said, the blog traffic results for this site after one year are astounding! This being the 21st post in one year seems quite small overall - in fact, that is only averaging about 1.8 posts a month.  Yet, this blog is dominating Google results for many keyword phrases surrounding Blogger customization.

Increasing blog traffic significantly every day
Blog traffic increasing 50% every month
Let's take a look at the numbers - since January 2012 the number of visitors has increased about 50% per month to a total of 35,000 visitors. As you can see the vertical growth is very fast now reaching about 400 visits a day or 12,000 visits a month. As of today - January 13th - I have 4778 visits. The peak traffic in December is about 8500 visits. You can see my current daily traffic at the top of this post hovering at about 300-400 visits a day - these are great numbers!

One thing I would like to point out about blog traffic is that I did no back linking strategy to this site other than having a hosted planning site that pointed to this blog as I built it and then a few social media sites -, and Twitter was my only active links back - whereas Stumbleupon and were just accounts that had profile links. I use Stumbleuopn and to sporadically update my Twitter feed to keep it active.

What does this really mean to you? This truly means that you only need relevant content to drive higher search results with stronger blog traffic - and that Google will reward you for many search phrases if you target your posts. If you subscribe to my email list above, I'll give you deeper insight on how I approached this blog and how you can do the same for your blogspot traffic results.


  1. nice post.Thanks for sharing.


  2. This is really great that you increased your blog traffic...

  3. but u did'nt told us that how u get the traffic .... . ...

    1. I did indeed! The last paragraph is how - relevant content. But, you must target that content to answer questions that the search engines are trying to answer. Subscribe and you'll learn more.

      - Don

  4. hi Don, I have read many of your posts.. its very simple and useful.. i would like to know how to split long post into many pages in blogger,,, (eg page 1 2 3 4.....8)

    thanks in advance

    1. Hi Sivan,

      Sorry, you can only create a single split in a blogger post out of the box from Google. You could try some creative Javascript to do the paging but that is beyond my scope for now.

      Good luck!

      - Don

  5. Thanks for this nice sharing your provided information is very helpful for me.

  6. There are many ways in which you can increase web page traffic efficiently, without raising the eyebrows of the giant search engine Google.

  7. Yes, relevant content is the best way to make sure people come to our blog.
    TQ for your sharing

  8. Indian Business DirectoryDecember 9, 2014 at 5:48 AM

    Great to see you here and thanks for your helpful suggestions. Keep visiting and keep commenting.

  9. I have a new blog and would like generate real traffic to it. The highest I have had is 600 In a day.

    1. Traffic is all about content - you must be answering relevant questions that Google searchers are asking. Plus, you need to make sure the content on the site is within the general category of information (by this I mean a medical site devoted to antibiotic information wouldn't have content in, say, astronomy).

  10. Awesome post and thanks for suggestions

  11. Really nice post. Thanks for your good suggestion.

  12. Because there so are many that are using WordPress than blogger who are bragging their success I am proud that someone has the guts to share their traffic report, it doesn't matter how old is it as long there's a proof I am already satisfied with it. Thanks for sharing!



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