
How to Post Blogger Automatically to Facebook

Facebook Logo
When I started this post I had the preconceived notion that automatically posting from Blogger to Facebook would not be an issue at all. For some reason in the back of my mind this was as simple as using email notification to the Facebook email-to-post feature, or using Google's Feedburner.

Well, I was quite wrong about this. Trying to use the email-to-post feature in Facebook only added the blog name and title to my Facebook wall with no content or links. From Feedburner, it looked like Facebook might work but they're only supporting Twitter in their socialize feature.

Now, there are a number of Facebook plug-ins such as RSS Graffiti you can use to grab your blogger RSS feed and post it to your wall. However, I found another tool so useful that I think this might be the easiest path for anyone to use.

If This then That - or, If Blogger then Facebook

A new online utility has appeared that can simply move your social postings around between sites called (or, in other words, If This, Then That). It is so incredibly intuitive and easy to use that I had no issues setting it up.

I won't lead you on how to setup an account - you'll just need a user name and password - that's very easy to do. As you start you'll just need to activate and register your Blogger account and select your desired blog like this:

Activate your Blogger account

And then tie your Blogger blog to the IFTTT account:

Tie your Blogger Blog to IFTTT
Once registered your first step is to 'Create a Recipe' - and in our case it is going to be from Blogger to Facebook:


Simply click on the blue 'this' text to select Blogger as you source choice:

Selecting Blogger as the This Choice

You can see that there are many options for source - I've highligted the Blogger button. Next, just 'Choose a Trigger' type. In this case we want new Posts to be published to Facebook. However, you might want the second label option:

Posting from Blogger for Any New Post
Go ahead and select 'Any new post' for now. Now you will see the Trigger that will kick off the event.

Blogger Trigger to Post

Just select the 'Create Trigger' button to continue. You're going to be directed now to the action that occurs when you trigger off a Blogger Post. Just select the 'that' blue link to continue:

Now you'll see the full list again of social media sites. There are some great options here - but, for our tutorial just click on the 'Facebook' icon:

If this is your first time into IFTTT then you'll need to register your Facebook account much like how you did your Blogger account. Be sure you're logged into your desired Facebook account first.

Activate your Facebook account

Now you'll have to make a selection if you want the Blogger post to be fully copied to Facebook, or, just a link back to the blog. I prefer the second option 'Create a link post'  - but you make your choice:

Triggering an Action to Post to Facebook

This is the tricky part - how you want the message formatted on your Facebook page. You can certainly experiment with this - but, you'll want to Create an Action that has the URL in the link field and the subject with your own text mixed with your blog post:

Action Fields for Facebook Wall

Just press 'Create Action' when done and you should have something like this:

Final Blogger to Facebook Action
You can see I used the PostContent field - but, you certainly don't have to fill your wall with the full Blogger post.  Your connection is now ready!!

If Blogger then Facebook

Now that your link is active you can test it by posting to Blogger, then jumping over to and clicking on the Recipe you just created and selecting the 'Check' button on the right side of the screen like so:

This normally runs every 15 minutes - but, by clicking on Check your post will appear on Facebook in seconds.

A Great tool in my mind!  Enjoy!!


  1. thank you for these explanations very clear and precise on the sujet
    Could you please help me found the answer to the following problem :when I try to create more blogs in Blogger, the systeme keeps saying that the domain name is not available as soon as I input the first letter of a would be name ..

  2. Really interseting tools.Thanks for sharing

  3. This is an excellent tools and awesome tips. Thanks for sharing

  4. but how to redirect on facebook page...

  5. Will it allow posts to a FB Page? That is, not the main account but to a business/professional page instead?

    1. Hi Rajesh,

      My assumption is 'yes' - but, I haven't tried it. You'll probably have to experiment with it a bit.

      - Don

    2. You're right provides facility to post in pages also.

    3. Hi Don,

      Thank you for sharing such a useful information.. Now i can update fb, twitter, linkden, tumblr, delicious etc in one sinle shot... One question Is there any other similar sites which are reliable??


    4. Great post, highlighting a great service, but I also have the same question as Rajesh - I'm having difficulty posting directly to a Page feed, rather than my personal feed.

    5. James,

      See my respond below to Kay - you can post to 'Facebook Pages' instead of just 'Facebook'

      - Don

    6. Yeah, I figured it out, but thanks for replying.

  6. there is a problem, everything went fine but even if i'm using facebook OpenGraph metadata to make featured image and description to appear on my facebook timeline, they don't work when i auto-publish using IFTTT :/

  7. Nice Tool.
    It saves so much time.

    Krishna Ahire

  8. But only thing i don't like is entry time it publishes it uses the same image from older post

  9. thanks bro for this type of information

    Regards :

  10. Very useful info! thank you

  11. so i have a main page and a fan page. i made sure i was signed into my fan page and it still linked to my main page :( i tried twice. any ideas?

  12. I am trying to link facebook to blogger. Everything goes well when creating the recipe, but it will not connect. I checked my Blogger account and it is activated. I am not sure what the issue is. Are you able to help?

  13. Im trying to link facebook with blogger and its not connecting through ifttt.
    I thought maybe because my blogger account is not activated, but it is. Im also in the process of updating my blogger account and it seems to be not working properly. could this be the problem? should I deactivate my Blogger account and re activate it?

    1. Hi Michele,

      Sounds very odd. What happens when you update your blog and it is 'not working'? Are you sure the blog is set to public in the Settings?

  14. How do I get it to go to my Glass page and not my personal page? I log in the same for both pages, but want my posts to go to my glass page.

    1. Hi Kay!

      Just use a recipe that uses 'Facebook Pages' instead of just 'Facebook'. IFTTT has that as an option. Let me know if that works!


  15. Thanks a lot~~~ such a great tool!!!!!

  16. Hi Don,

    I created a recipe of Blogger to Facebook Page and the post successfully gets auto-posted. But the problem is each one of them gets posted twice... Do you have any idea of how to fix that?


    1. Hi!

      Wow - i haven't heard of this problem before. I'll try a test FB page and blog to see how that might be working. Sorry I don't have a better answer.

      - Don

  17. Super useful and helpful post! Thank you so much!

  18. Wow, it's really amazing one, Thanks for sharing...!

  19. This is a great app. THANK YOU for SHARING!!!

  20. Very simple & effective. I needed this. I was hoping the my Getrepsponse option to post Facebook & Twitter would work, but it double posts to FB and doesn't allow Post URL with Twitter.

  21. You just made my day so easy man! Cheers. I have some questions: I want my Blogger posts to go to Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Facebook you have solved, for Twitter you are saying its Feedburner, but what about Tumblr? Is there any way to automatically share Blogger posts on Tumblr?

  22. Thank you for the solution.It is simple and truly effective.

  23. I have been racking my brain trying to figure this out, then I thought Duh, Google it! This is such an easy tool, and quite useful. Thank you!

  24. It links it to my personal account but how do I make it go to a certain page that I own?

    1. Hi Tabby,

      I haven't tried doing a page post with this tool. But, I know you can use a recipe that uses 'Facebook Pages' instead of just 'Facebook'. IFTTT has that as an option. Let me know if that works!


  25. +1 x infinity.

    This is so much easier to use than anything iv used in the past, twitterfeed was what i was using, now i have this and its much much more easier and user friendly.

  26. I've been looking for a way to automatically publish my posts from blogger to facebook... I am so glad I landed on this post. This is perfect! Thank you so much Don James for this very useful information! :)

    The Deksbook:

  27. Wow. ...interesting...thanks for the info

  28. Amazing! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  29. Can you link a Facebook Page that you manage to Blogger, not your personnel facebook page?

    1. Hi Christine,

      I'm not sure what you're asking - this is a different Facebook page?

  30. Excellent guidance! Thanks a lot!

  31. i linked blogger with my facebook...but my posts are not getting updated on my profile...wat could b d problem?

  32. Nice post! I am really in love with your blog thank you so0o much.

  33. This looks interesting. I'm off to try it out now on my blog. WordPress has a similar functionality built in but it works much the same way. Thank you for posting and I'll give feedback after I set this up.

  34. This is absolutely helpful and easy to understand! Thank you so much.

  35. Cool! This was just what I needed now, Twitterfeed didn't work as planned. Thanx for a good guide.

  36. thx for sharing tips most helping tips i wanna try in my blog

  37. Hi, I have a problem with my IFTTT recipe: it's supposed to post a link to a Facebook Page I manage, whenever I update my Blogger blog. Unfortunately, the only picture it ever includes is the Header image from my blog, not the new picture(s) that go with the blog post. How can I write the recipe in such a way that IFTTT will post the new images to my Facebook Page, not just the blog header over and over and over again? Thanks.

    1. Yes, I just happened to notice that as well. There doesn't seem to be a way to capture the post image in the recipe yet.

  38. hi, thanks
    it works from BLOGGER to FACEBOOK PAGES as well
    LOVE IT!
    yes, no pictures but for me OKAY

  39. Thanks a lot for sharing this information and guides. That is so much helpful!

  40. Thanks i just used this on my blog.

  41. I just set this up going from my blogger account to a new FB page. Content came thru fine but not the picture I had i the post. Is there something I did wrong. I really like to have the pic show as well

  42. Thanks a lot for sharing this guides cum information. It worked just as you explained it. I will surely come back for more tips.

  43. Why cant i add more blogs on the same account?

  44. I was trying to post facebook automatically when i update my blog. I found this very hard. But This Article gives good information. It will helps me a lot.

  45. Thanks for this tutorial but the post I got should able to post my post title instead of just my blog name. Is that possible?

    Also, the pics that showed on the Fb page is my Google+ profile pic, is there a solution to that?

  46. Thanks James!
    I linked my blog post with facebook and it works very well. Thanks a lot for your guidance.
    May your tribe increase.

  47. Replies
    1. Hi! I don't understand your comment. Can you clarify?

      - Don

  48. Hiii I want my Facebook group posts to appear on the blog. But it does not happen..any other way of doing it?

  49. Thank you so much! This was very helpful!!

  50. Thanks a lot for sharing this useful information.It really helps !

  51. Thanks for the help and detailed instructions!

  52. love this post, I will apply it to my blog and one more thing Pls I need traffic to my blog if any one can help Pls do that thanks

  53. Thanks admin! it works well, always updated, but I found another method, it send the post automatically to all your social network. you can test it.

  54. so i have a main page and a fan page. i made sure i was signed into my fan page and it still linked to my main page :( i tried twice. any ideas?

    1. I don't think I've tried that option. Are you sure the IFTTT is setup to publish to your fan page? Otherwise, take a look across Google for some hints on that. Sorry I don't have more for you!

      - Don

  55. Recently we had configured to automatically update blog whenever there's a post on our Facebook page.

    We was wondering what will happen if we configure another recipe to automatically update Facebook page whenever there's a post on our blog.

    Will conflicting command occur and cause both blog and Facebook page to post update over and over again?

  56. Thanks a lot for sharing this information and guides. That is so much helpful!i put this on my fb page.

  57. Amazing! i've had no comments on my blog or followers and its been depressing! now i can link and hopefully get visitors to comment! thank you great post

  58. Wow, that’s great. I really didn’t know about this tool. It looks so useful and I am definitely going to use it. Well dear, I also would like to hire the facebook ads management campaign service for my blog’s promotion. If you have recommendations for a good team, please let me know.

  59. Nice list and great info. Have tried few of them. Currently using from past 3 months and i am happy with their service. You can include that in your list too :)

  60. won't connect to my blogger account. :-( FB and Google are already connected. I used NetworkedBlogs without a problem but they're officially closing up shop.

  61. Thank for u sharing this information

  62. Please suggest me ... bcoz this is not working in my blogs...

  63. Thank you for your information. Your information is very good

  64. Your tutorial in this article is helps my blog. Thanks 😀

  65. Nice guys, this inspired me to manage a blog.

  66. IFTTT don't sends photos anymore unfortunately..


NOTE: If you are logged into a Google account and you cannot see your Google profile image and name next to the 'Comment as:' in the comment editor, your 3rd party cookies are blocked and the comment won't post. If blocked, please comment preferably by Name/URL.