
Adding Related Posts to Blogger Blogs

Adding related links within Blogger
NOTE: LinkWithin no longer exists. This post will not work any more.

There has been a change in Blogger and LinkWithin. A number of users have found that LinkWithin is not working for them. Be aware you might find some issues. If you find you are having the issue, select Other for your Platform and manually add the script to a HTML Widget. You've probably seen a number of blogs that have related internal blog posts tagged at the end with inter-linking across the site. It's a very nice feature that has been made even easier by a online utility called

The steps to adding this feature are so simple that it only takes a few minutes to get a great looking extra look-and-feel without much effort. Start by navigating to Right away you'll see the starting point by entering your information into the widget form on the main page like this:

How to add related posts within Blogger

As you can see all I did was enter my email, link address, Blogger as the platform and 4 stories. From there click the 'Get Widget' button to continue. You'll see a dialog that looks like this:

Installing Blogger widgets

Click the Install Widget link that will open Blogger into a new window. You'll see the Blogger dialog pop up that prompts you for a blog name and widget title. Be sure to select the right blog if you have a number of them. You can also add the widget title (but I chose to leave it blank):

Adding the LinkWithin widget to Blogger
Just click 'Add Widget' to add the related posts to your blog posts. What happens next is that LinkWithin will add an HTML widget to your Layout that will automatically add the related posts to all of your blog posts. You'll see it in your main blog Layout menu page like this:

Widgets added to layout

The widget will be an HTML/Javascript most likely added to the right side of your layout. I've only tried this on the standard static Blogger templates and don't know if this works with the Dynamic templates. However, I think it should work.

There's nothing else to add!! You're blog posts will now have related posts at the bottom of each one. You can see the example right after this post. Enjoy!!


  1. Great post.. I just installed this and it's awesome. :)

    1. I took a look at you blog! Very nice! Glad it helped you out!

      - Don

    2. Anythought on using Linkwithin boxes as a home page on a blogger blog? To bring the most pertinent Posts to the front.

  2. Is any Other way to add Related Post ?. I am getting Error in this :(

    1. Hi Peter,

      You shouldn't be getting an error. Go back to Linkwithin and generate the HTML code again. There must be some type of copy paste error. Otherwise, send me more information I can try to help.


    2. I am getting an error too! I even tried the outbrain widget and it didn't work either.

    3. Hi AC,

      I took a look and I see the related posts. You must have fixed it!!

      - Don

  3. thanks for this great post.. I just installed it's awesome. :)

  4. Hi, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. When I get to the page where I am supposed to click the add widget button, it only has the edit content link and not edit template... Could this be the problem? Please help if you can. Thanks.

    1. Hmmmmm.....that is odd - I really don't know why that is occurring. But, are you getting the code to paste into your site when you press 'Add Widget'??

      - Don

  5. Invalid blog URL is the reply when I tried with blogger (blogspot) but its ok giving widget for my .com.

  6. Hi, I'm having trouble. When the add page element page pops up, the title and edit content spaces are both blank.

  7. Hi I got error message:

    [Whoops, that's an error. We apologize for the inconvenience. Try refreshing the page to see if things are back in order.]

    can you help me?

  8. I am having the exact same problems as the other commenters...I get a blank title and edit content space so there is nothing to copy and paste. Any ideas??? First I tried Linkwithin and then I tried Outbrain. Exact same thing. Is there something I need to turn off? I have no clue.

    1. Hi Jamie,

      This is very odd - I'm hearing a bunch of errors for some. I tried it both with a general Blogspot blog and a custom domain - both worked for me. I'm wondering if this is a browser issue. I'm using Firefox mostly. Let me know if you tried again and it worked.

      - Don

    2. Having the same problem - not getting the code. I'm on a MAC and tried it with Firefox, Chrome AND Safari and same issue

    3. I have the same mistake - tryied to add this widget to different blogs from different computers, doesn't work, it's blank. Wrote to support, but no answer for 3 weeks now (

  9. i'm getting error too, can you show me another way to do it

  10. I also have the same issues when trying to add to blogger. The content box has nothing in it, so no HTML. Very frustrating!:/

    1. This is very odd - can you tell me the following?
      1. Is your domain a blogspot or custom domain?
      2. What browser are you using?
      3. Is your domain foreign or not a .com domain (such as .co, .in, etc)

    2. Same here. When I try to add it to my blog blogger will send me this message "Whoops, that's an error" how can i possibly do this?

  11. I have a blogspot domain with and I'm using Google Chrome

  12. I hope and assume this will work on my blog for this post is still quite new. Not like other tutorial over the net which is not really applicable today.

    Does this really suggest relevant or related post? Or just a random post?
    BTW, thank you for this.

  13. same problem here, just a blank content box and can't continue because well it cannot be blank. I tried chrome, mozilla, but still can't get this thing to work

  14. Hi Don, I don't know if it's because my antivirus but to solve this just select other platform and don't use blogger, and then copy the code and place on the template just before the closing body tag

  15. Same problem Edit Content is blank.

  16. Hello, I'm having the same error was the others have said above -- its says [Whoops, that's an error. We apologize for the inconvenience.] .. when I try to go to edit html, the box is blank..please help!

  17. i both tried chrome and firefox and i get the same error as same with everybody else.. uhm, can you lend us the supposedly code for this widget?

    1. Yes, I finally am getting the same problem on my test blogs. Turns out that something is broken between Blogger and LinkWithin. The fix is to select 'Other' for you Platform and copy the script code into an HTML Widget in your Blogger Layout. I will update this post later.

      So sorry!


    2. That worked for me! Thanks! :D But it is not showing up any thumbnail images like the ones I have seen on other people's website. Do you know how to fix that?

  18. Wow! its amazing. I can't believe it.Thanks a ton man!

  19. I have been having the same problem for years now about the Linkwithin widget and decided to ignore it after so many attempts to have the 'related posts' appear under every post that I made. The trouble is after adding the widget to my blog following all the instructions, nothing appears. Thanks!

    1. I've heard this many times from other - yet it works on this site. It may require a custom domain on Blogger vs. a Blogspot domain. Not sure.


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