Using Google Web Fonts within Blogger

Adding Google web fonts to Blogger
Creative Commons - fontfont
Want to really spice up your Blogger blog? How about using a little more stylized font for your posts? If you haven't seen them before, Google Web Fonts are a great free alternative to the standard, out-of-the box web fonts you normally get with any standard HTML website including Blogger.

Choosing a Google Font

Google Web Fonts are really easy to install into your template and only take a few steps to get there. What most people don't realize is that they are available directly within Blogger. The first step is to jump into the Template Designer using the 'Customize' button:

Blog Traffic - How I Increased My Traffic by 10x

How to drive stronger blog traffic to your site daily blog traffic
It has been a full year since I launched as my Blogger help site after my initial strategy in January 2012 was first developed. I've been using Blogger since 2005 and have come to really enjoy the flexibility of the platform for various types of blogs.

I know that many prefer Wordpress over Blogger but I still think having Google host my platform with more open customization vs. using custom hosting is an easier option.

That said, the blog traffic results for this site after one year are astounding! This being the 21st post in one year seems quite small overall - in fact, that is only averaging about 1.8 posts a month.  Yet, this blog is dominating Google results for many keyword phrases surrounding Blogger customization.